Admiring My Daddy (PR)

A2Z-BADGE-000 [2014]


As a child I was always a daddy’s girl.  We would go fishing ( well he’d fish), and I’d throw rocks in the water. It was our thing and I couldn’t wait to do it every weekend. My grandmother raised me and my brother. But, when it was the weekend I was so happy. I had my bag packed with a good book and my clothes getting ready to go to daddy’s house. I’d run downstairs and look outside at every car. He always blew the horn there times which meant ( I love you) and I knew to run out. Waiting, waiting, and waiting to hear that horn felt like decades. Then, I’d hear the horn and haul ass outside. My grand mom would always say, ” Krystol, I don’t get a hug or a kiss good bye?”  I’d always say, ” Sorry, Grandma.”  I always looked forward to going to my dad’s. Living with my grandmother was tough at times. Don’t’ get me wrong, she did the best she could, but our house was a bit unable due to drug abuse from my mother and uncles. I’m so happy everyone is clean and healthy now, but then man. I couldn’t’ wait to get a new change of scenery every weekend. My dad and I would go to the carnival, ride bikes, and best of all, play cards! Yes, I was a gambling queen at the age of 11. Hey, I know it’s bad, but I played for pennies or candy. As I got older the stakes went up. We would play a game called, ” Pitty Pat.” Now, that I’m 29 years old, I’m still a daddy’s girl. I moved back home from Charlotte, NC to be closer to me. It’s funny, now that I’m ready to move again, he doesn’t want me to go. But, it’s got to happen, right? I admire my dad’s strength and determination to keep going when the going get’s stuff. Dad says, ” when life gives you lemons, make a pie.” I would always laugh when he said that. But, I really understand, what he means. If you make the pie, it takes longer to eat, which means you have longer to get it together. I never understood his sayings as a child, but as an adult, I can appreciate what he has to say even more. I know he’s getting older, but he’s always on the go. Works two jobs ( everyday) and still has time to bowl with me ( on the wii). If that’s not a go getter I don’t know what is!

