Current Read: Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

Reading 4

Hey readers! I hope all is well with you! I know it’s been a few days, but I have been really taking a break from reading and writing my blog. Nothing has been wrong, I am just trying to sort some things out I guess. Life has been happening for me and it has not been pretty. It’s my current job. It is not what I thought it would be and due to my current health issues, the company is not excusing my absences due to my appointments. Anyway….enough about that. I just had to decompress, but I am back!  How has everything been? My e-mail is swamped with tons of your blogs that I will be going through this week and next since I’m off from school! Yes!! It feels so good let me tell you. This past 11 weeks have been hell, but I assure you, it is all good! I got two B’s in my Qualitative research class and my Social Psychology class. I was like 5 points away from an A in both classes. But, hey, I passed and will not complain.  Okay, on to the reading fun!

My current read:

Everything I Never Told You

I had heard bout this book for a fellow Book Tuber named Regan and her channel is the Peruse Project. I started watching her a few weeks ago and I feel in LOVE with her videos! She inspired me to start making videos about books, reading, and etc. Definitely check her out and subscribe to her channel. I ordered the book about two weeks ago and it’s also a book that I’m reading from a book club i’m in on Goodreads. I am currently on page 20 and it has picked up pretty quick. This book is about a girl who goes missing and her family is worried sick. It talks about a Chinese girl living in the 70’s who disappears and the family and a search team look for her. Thus far, during this time (in the book), the Son of Sam and other killings are going on in the world and the mother is worried sick. It’s still early in the book to tell what is going to happen so if you are interested check this out!

Recently finished:


Check out my review on this great read! Also stay tuned for my in depth review as well on YouTube. If you haven’t definitely  subscribe to my channel. Check out my recent buys too!

Let me know below, what are your current reads?