Stop Making Excuses

As I sit home in my bed and watch Set It Up starring Lucy Lui and Taye Diggs ( potential relative), the story gave me the motivation to come back to you. As soon as I started to type with my acrylic nails, my gray and white assistant of a cat decided to wake up. Apparently he missed the typing on the laptop as well. The film is about a girl who is an assistant, but dreams of being a writer. Well, it still my dream, too. To write. I can’t be a writer if i am not writing. Is that writing 101 or .01? Sure i’ve got a Masters in writing and have written books, but what has the blockage so heavy? It’s the fear of being successful and not so successful at the same damn time. Excuse my language but then again, no don’t excuse it. I work in finance, but the written word needs me. I am one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason, even this moment of coming to my eighth epiphany that I am supposed to write for a living. But, how do I earn money doing just that? There are no excuses anymore.

It’s time to dedicate my time into making this talent work for me. In advance I’m appreciative of those who take the time to read my blogs and leave a comment no matter how sporadic my posts are. Thanks, Mom, lol! So, I have about four books that I need to finish writing and I am going to find time to write them. This is where I want to be. Tapping the keys and writing sentences that make sense. Now that I am no longer making excuses, what are you going to do or have an interest in? There is still time for all of us to excel and become great at what ever our heart desires. Lets put in the work and get it done. As it gets hard or life gets in the way we have to continue to follow what our dreams are. We’ve got this! You’ve got this!

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